About our pet boarding in Palm Beach County FL
© 2013 Furry God Mother. All Rights Reserved.
Judy was an intern at La Paz Animal Hospital. She has over 125 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐reviews on Google.
Don’t be surprised if your pet’s picture is featured on the website. Judy loves to take pictures of her furry guests that are just like family to her. She loves taking them for walks on trails and beaches. She is thrilled to offer pet boarding in Palm Beach County. She especially loves catering to the needs of smaller dogs. Judy knows it’s easier for you to be away from home if you are confident that their beloved dog is in good hands. A dog that is in a home-like environment is less stressed than those in a huge impersonal kennel. That means the dog eats and sleeps better, and you don’t have to worry.
"Put Your Pet in Trusting Hands
With The Furry Godmother"
Specializing in small dog boarding since 2008
Dalila enjoying yappy hour